
www.austria-citizenship.com is a private initiative by Gregor Derntl. The goal of this initiative is to inform the descendants of former Austrians who were persecuted by the Nazis that, since 2020, they have been entitled to obtain Austrian citizenship.

In October 2019, the Austrian Parliament passed an amendment to the Austrian Citizenship Act (Staatsbürgerschaftsgesetz/StbG) to acknowledge its historical responsibility toward individuals persecuted by National Socialism and their descendants. During the implementation of this provision, cases arose that fell outside the original scope of the law. To address this, Parliament introduced necessary legal amendments in April 2022, broadening eligibility for citizenship in line with the core principles of Austrian citizenship law. The expanded provision under § 58c StbG took effect on May 1, 2022.

On the website of the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs you will also find all the necessary information and official contact details of the Republic of Austria. Gregor Derntl offers to conduct research on your family members and is available to provide advice. We understand that in many families, the exact life circumstances of persecuted ancestors may no longer be known or fully reconstructable. We will do our utmost to locate any available documents and archival materials related to your persecuted ancestor. We are happy to assist with inquiries!


On January 30, 2024, Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg attended the presentation of the publication "Wir und Österreich – Austria and Us" in Vienna. Pictured with a newly naturalized Austrian citizen who still owns a passport from 1938. Photo: © BMEIA/Michael Gruber